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马来西亚fullname(马来西亚fulltime offer)

马来西亚fullname(马来西亚fulltime offer)




  请原谅我的愤怒,如果此消息来给你一个惊喜,可能得罪了你的个性为与您联系得到你的同意,并写通过这个渠道。我的建议进入担保财产网站当仁不让猎奇异国可靠的合作伙伴是放心你capablty,可靠冠军的商业机会和others.I是一个美国国家军队我的名字是Captain..Humphrey Johnson..090209- M-3450C-014的多国师中心基地在巴格达北约海军部队,伊拉克,在埃及监测和维持和平的任务II海洋远征,2月11,2012我们提醒一些 *** 突然出现露营Marzar谢里夫。郊区,距离这里巴格达,伊拉克不会太远。之后立即进行干预,我们抓获三名 *** (3),(7)injured.In折磨的过程中,他们供认是叛乱分子阿布Baqir *** 副指挥官和 *** 领导小组组长,他们把我们带到一个山洞在Marzar谢里夫。其中担任其camp.Here我们恢复了一些箱子5包含武器,另包含一些数百万美元的,我有我的藏9700000美元总和为我share.I我在一个可靠的和敏锐的需要值得信赖的人喜欢你谁也收到钱,安全和保护,其中包含了美元对我来说框,因为从现在开始事情任何时候都可以在这里发生的马,如果没有我还不知道日期和年份和月份我我们离开这里,因为现在还没有我的任务已here.But没有完成我只要保证你收到的资金我,我,我们写在这里我的马信树脂化和你一起在那里有对基金的讲座,并有它share.I保证,并承诺给你这个基金的30%和你保持70%对我来说,却随时洽谈什么您希望在本business.It你个从来都不是一个偷来的钱或非法的钱,但因为人值班,以带来和平在巴格达许多士兵失去了他们的生活和再多的赔偿,可能带回亡灵战士的生活,然后考虑家庭会感觉如何,这是原因我单位决定分享我们之间的金钱,但返回所有的枪支弹药的我们的营地,这是官方的,这就是我需要你的帮助运送箱子保存任何您所选择的位置的原因。拜托,我相信你保持绝对保密,保密,以保护我的工作,我和钱。在不到5天箱应该是在你的身上,我会给你更多instructions.But你要知道,我已经采取了预防措施,以确保money.The盒编码与高安全性的小工具等是唯一一个有正确的组合来解锁it.Please回到我通过我的电子邮件地址,因为它是唯一的 *** 和手段外与任何人沟通there.thanks很多。

  ( Hello Dear

  Forgive my indignation if this message comes to you as a surprise and may offend your personality for contacting you without your prior consent and writing through this channel. my propose of entering into secured property site doing my searching for a foreign reliable partner is to be assured of your capablty and reliablychampion in business opportunity and others.I am a United state Army my name is Captain..Humphrey Johnson..090209-M-3450C-014 II Marine Expeditionary of Multinational Division Center base in BAGHDAD,Iraq, of the NATO Marine Force on Monitoring and Peace keeping mission in Egypt,On Feb 11,2012 we were alerted on the sudden presence of some Terrorists camping in Marzar Sharif . a suburb not too far from BAGHDAD here in Iraq. After Immediate intervention, we captured three (3) of the Terrorists,(7) injured.In the process of torture they confessed being rebels for Abu Baqir a Taliban sub-commander and al-Qaida group leader, and they took us to a cave in Marzar Sharif. which served as their camp.Here we recovered  some boxes 5 contains weapons, and the other contains some millions of US Dollars and i have in my possession the sum of 9.7 million U.S. dollars as my share.I am in keen need of a Reliable and Trust worthy person like you who would receive the MONEY,secure and protect the box which contains the US Dollars for me because any time from now anything can happen in here ma and if not i don't know yet the date and year and month i we leave here because yet now my assignment has not finish in here.But i assured as soon as you receive the fund for me.i we write my resination letter in here ma and join you in there to have a talk on the fund and have it share.I assure and promise to give you 30% of this fund and you keep 70% for me, however feel free to negotiate what you wish to have as your percentage in this business.It is never a stolen money or illegal money but because were on duty to bring peace in BAGHDAD many soldiers lost their life and no amount of compensation that may bring back the life of dead soldier then consider how the family will feel,that is the reasons my unit decided to share the money among us but return all the guns and ammunition's to our Camp,it is official and that's the reason i need your assistance to ship the box to any save location of your choice. Please, i trust you to maintain absolute secrecy and confidentiality to protect my job,myself and the money. In less than 5 days the box should be in your possession and i will give you further instructions.But you must know that i have taken precautionary measures to secure the money.The box is coded with high security gadget so am the only one that has the right combination to unlock it.Please get back to me through my email address as it is the only way and means to communicate with anybody outside there.thanks alot)










  蜂蜜赶紧着我你的资料如下,让我度过安全的保安公司立即派钱给你: - 



   *** 码。


  一个爱你的人 My Dearest Love...

  What ever situation I found my self I always give Glory to God.Please I need your prayers.

  We are in a very serious problem here and need God intervention.The brain box of the ship is having a very serious problem and we are all confused here and beside we just received information from the Signal house that there are sea pirates from Indonesia blocking the sea and they are about 312 KM away from us and the nearest place for this Ship to anchor is Labuan Island somewhere in South Malaysia.

  As it is now, we are no longer safe because we fear the pirates attack because the ship is very slow now. We have called for a Rescue team but we are yet to get a response from our headquarters

  The captains of the Ship have announced that the SHIP will duck here for another 20 days until its safe to continue sailing.

  Honey my problem now is, my money ( 235,000 ) Great British pounds which I kept in my cabin safe box. I do not want it stolen from me in the event of any attack.My plan was to use this money to buy Metal oil in drums from Australia and supply to a company in Mexico I already had contract agreement with.

  Honey, as the Director of Operation in this Ship, I have to take care of this ship until all GOODS/PRODUCT are completely discharged.

  Now there are so many security company stands at the sea shore and I am thinking of what to do?and at this time I need you to stand by me .. I don't know what to do now ; I want to quickly send you the money so that you can help me to secure it in your place until I have the chance to make my trip and meet you soonest.I know we have not met each other but I TRUST you and give you my whole heart so that life can move straight with us and i know you will never disappoint or hurt me because we are already two in one flesh .I have learned to take life as it happens as I remember everything happens for a reason.

  I will discussed with one of the security company here.They will proceed delivery immediately I get a confirmation from you to assist me in receiving this money because there is no bank here and I dont want to loose the money to sea pirates because I know how I suffered for it.

  Honey quickly forward to me your information as follows to enable me send the money to you immediately through  secured security company:-

  Your Full Name

  Your Receiving Address:

  Phone number.

  Please get back to me as soon as possible.

  The man that loves you

  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 这完全就是一个网络骗子,这几年国际联手有很多中国在国外进行网络骗行的中国公民被送回中国。仍然在网络上有很多这样的组织,网络好象成不了道德的静地。爱网络的人们只能自我加强分析骗子的能力了。








  Hello my love,

  I received your message, i am glad to read from you, how are you? i hope all is well. i want you to understand that i love you very much, will never cheat on you, there is no love without trust all this while i have been communicating with you i have always trusted you, because, i know you will never disappoint or betray me. I love you with all my heart and hope we live together as hu *** and and wife soon.

  I prepared to visit you in China last month but because my email was hacked i couldn't communicate with you. so my ticket was canceled, for now am busy with US defense official meetings which will end 25th June next month, i will visit you in China by 27th coming August, but before then i will like you to help me out, i have 320 kg of gold bars which i deposited with a security firm in London UK, am going into financial difficulties, i want to send the gold box to you in China so that you can look for buyer to buy the gold.

  You will get 30% of what ever we sell the gold, i both the gold in Iraq during their war crisis in 2002 at $7500 usd per a kilo, now a kilo of gold is sell $48200 in the world market. if you can get a buyer who is willing to buy at price of 45-46 thousand usd per kilo, then tell me in your next reply so that i will give you the security firm contact information in London, i want money to prepare are marriage ceremony if i visit you in China because i will love to take you along with me to US after I've visited you in China.

  See the attached pictures of the gold box,the picture was taking the day i made the safe deposit in London,i wait your sooner responds with love & regards yours sincerely.

  CM Sgt. James



  亲爱的,Dear Love,

  I received your message, sorry i replied late i was busy with US defense officials meeting. why most you always say words that hot me, i just complaint my problems to you because you are my love,  if i don't tell you my problems who then? some times there is thins we have ability to do but due to some circumstances we can't, i am not forcing you to help me, i am not calling you greedy Chinese woman ether, i don't understand if you truly love me, what is love without trust? each time i try to share with you it turns trouble and insults.  





  CM军士。詹姆斯Hello my Love.

  Since my last message to you I've not been able to hear from you. why do you treat me as unimportant person, and why do you misunderstand me each time i try to share minds with you? do you truly love me??? i wonder the kind of person you are, if you keep on behaving in that manner you will always loose what you got, if is not because i love you so much not to think of loosing you, i should have let this relationship to go. I know many are bad in the world but you should also give people opportunity explain them self's to you. if you continue like this then i will stop to write you, i want you to know i did not call you greedy Chinese woman when i ask for your help in selling the gold. all i wanted for you to tell me was oh honey i can do this or i can not because of many reasons, is acceptable than the way you talk to me. Do you really understand how much i love you ? i love you from the deep down of my heart, i cant stand to see some try to hot you or cheat on you. please my love give me a reason to know that you are my true love. i really love you.

  I hope to hear from soon with love and regards from yours sincerely.

  CM Sgt. James






  关于你的一切在您的个人资料和你的照片,这是我想要找出所有关于你的原因 - 是什么






















  Hello Dear,

  How are you doing? Hope fine.Well, i know Perhaps you will be astonished for receiving a mail from me, I like

  everything about you in your profile and your picture and this is the reason I want to find out all about you - what

  you like, what are your dreams and everything good and bad about you. And that is the reason for me contacting you.

  In a Brief introduction, here is about me.  My name is Tony Smith as you know, born on 24th  April 1970, and i

  presently Resides In Manchester United Kingdom. I am 5'8 tall, Brown eyes, gray/black hair and i weigh 72kg in weight.

  i don't have any kid but hope to have one in future; Biological or otherwise. I have separated with my Wife last 2

  years,because she died in a fatal Car Crash. I live alone with my Dog Ceaser right now. My favorite colors  are red and

  yellow.I like movies especially scary ones, i like bowling, dancing, and amusement parks.

  I like to make something Clear as we start in our communication. My intention should be made known early enough so that

  you could be able to know why i contacted you.The only reason I am here writing to you and ready to devote time to make

  all the necessary communication is because I like your profile and I desire to get closer to you and see if there’s

  chemistry to yoke heart together because nothing works until someone work on it.I am here to look for the real woman

  who can bring out the best from me.

  A woman that will share the solid foundation of relationship with me, which is,

  trust, love, relationship, companionship, compromise, understanding, friendship,who has the spirit of given.One that we

  will share our sorrows together and one that we will be there for each other in terms of good and problems.

  I also know that the two problems we are going to face is the "THE DISTANCE".I want you to know that distance has

  nothing to do with love. If you find someone who touches your heart and defines love in a perfect way you can travel a

  thousand miles to come and have her. love has nothing to do with age, distance, personality and what you are, but of

  who you are. My heart is free and open, also I will be happy, if I find the same heart and it will be mutual.

  Hope to read from you soon.

  Best Regards,







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