Airbnb Malaysia Visa Requirements

airbnb马来西亚签证,Airbnb Malaysia Visa Requirements  第1张

If you're planning to stay in Malaysia for more than the standard 90-day tourist visa, you may be wondering what type of visa you need. It's important to know the right visa requirements as a foreign traveler because failure to comply can result in significant fines or even deportation. One option you might consider is entering Malaysia on a social visit visa and staying at an Airbnb property during your stay. Here's what you need to know about Airbnb Malaysia visa requirements.

Social Visit Visa

A social visit visa is also known as a tourist visa or a visit visa. It is issued by the Malaysian government for foreign travelers who are visiting Malaysia for tourism, social visits, or other personal reasons. This type of visa is valid for up to 90 days, and it cannot be extended. If you are planning to stay in Malaysia for more than 90 days, you will need to apply for a different type of visa.

Long-Term Stay Visa

If you want to stay in Malaysia for more than 90 days, you'll need to apply for a long-term stay visa. There are several types of long-term visas, including the Employment Pass, the Professional Visit Pass, and the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) program. The MM2H program is particularly popular among retirees who want to spend their golden years in Malaysia. Regardless of which visa you choose, you can still book an Airbnb property as your accommodation.

Airbnb Host Responsibilities

If you plan to stay in an Airbnb property during your visit to Malaysia, it's important to note that your host has certain responsibilities that they must adhere to. For example, your Airbnb host must report your stay in their property to the local authorities. This involves submitting your passport details, visa information, and other relevant documents to the police within 24 hours of your arrival. Failure to do so can result in costly fines for the host.

Your Responsibilities as a Guest

As a guest in Malaysia, you also have certain responsibilities to fulfill. You must ensure that you have the correct visa for your stay, and you must comply with any local laws and regulations. It's also a good idea to communicate with your Airbnb host about any special needs or requirements you may have during your stay. This can include dietary restrictions, mobility needs, or other considerations.

In Conclusion

Airbnb can be a great way to experience Malaysia as a tourist or long-term visitor. Remember to be aware of the visa requirements, both as a guest and a host. By staying informed and following the rules, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay in this beautiful country.