
英国读研一年真实费用,英国读研一年费用揭秘  第1张

Studying in the UK is a dream for many students all around the world. However, the cost of living and studying in the UK can be a huge challenge for a lot of students. In this article, we will break down the actual cost of a one-year master's program in the UK so that you can make an informed decision about pursuing your higher education in the UK.

Tuition Fees

The tuition fees for master's programs in the UK vary depending on the course, university, and location. On average, international students can expect to pay between £15,000 to £25,000 per year for a master's program. However, some universities may charge even higher fees for specific courses such as MBA programs. It's important to research the fees for each university and course you are interested in before applying.


Accommodation is one of the biggest expenses for students studying in the UK. The cost of accommodation varies depending on the location and the type of housing. On-campus accommodation is generally cheaper than private housing, but availability can be limited. Off-campus private housing can range from £100 to £300 per week, with shared accommodation being the most economical option. Alternatively, you can also opt for homestay accommodation where you live with a local family. Homestay accommodation can cost between £80 to £200 per week.

Living Expenses

Living expenses in the UK can be quite high, especially in larger cities such as London. You should budget for around £1,000 to £1,300 per month to cover your expenses such as food, transportation, utilities, and leisure. You can save money by cooking your meals instead of eating out and using public transportation instead of taxis. Additionally, you should look out for student discounts on goods and services which can help save money.

Visa Fees

International students require a visa to study in the UK, and the cost varies depending on the type of visa and duration of stay. The visa application fee for a Tier 4 student visa is £348 for applications made outside the UK, and £475 for applications made in the UK. Additionally, you will also need to pay the healthcare surcharge which provides access to UK's National Health Service (NHS) during your stay in the UK. The healthcare surcharge is £470 per year.


Studying in the UK can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it's important to factor in the costs before making a decision. The actual cost of a one-year master's program in the UK can be between £20,000 to £35,000 when factoring in tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, and visa fees. However, scholarships, bursaries and sponsorship opportunities are available for international students to reduce the financial burden. It's important to research your options and plan your finances accordingly to ensure a successful and stress-free study abroad experience.