Malaysia Launches English Language Study Visa Program

马来西亚学英语签证,Malaysia Launches English Language Study Visa Program.  第1张

Malaysia is now offering a new visa program for foreigners who want to study English in the country. The Malaysian government hopes that this new program will attract more international students to the country.

The Benefits of Studying English in Malaysia

Malaysia is a great destination for students who want to study English. The country has a long history of English language education and is home to many reputable language schools. Malaysia is also a diverse country with a rich culture, which makes it an exciting place for students to explore beyond their classrooms.

Studying English in Malaysia also offers students the chance to learn from native speakers in a natural environment. Students can practice their English skills with locals while experiencing the country’s unique culture and beautiful landscapes.

What the English Language Study Visa Offers

The new English Language Study Visa program will offer foreign students the opportunity to study English in Malaysia for an extended period of time. The visa is valid for up to one year and can be renewed for another year.

Students who participate in this program will be able to attend language courses at any accredited Malaysian institution. Additionally, they will be allowed to work part-time while studying to support themselves financially.

Requirements for the English Language Study Visa

To be eligible for the English Language Study Visa, foreign students must be at least 18 years old and have completed their secondary education. They must also be able to prove that they have sufficient financial means to support themselves while studying in Malaysia.

Applicants will also be required to provide their academic transcripts and a letter of acceptance from a Malaysian language school or institution. They must also get a medical check-up before applying for the visa.


The new English Language Study Visa program in Malaysia offers foreign students an exciting opportunity to study the English language in a vibrant and diverse country. With the benefits of studying in Malaysia and the opportunities offered by this new visa program, it could be the perfect choice for students who want to pursue their language studies abroad.

Malaysia is proud to offer this new visa program, and the government hopes that it will help to attract more international students to the country, further enhancing Malaysia’s reputation as a top destination for education.