Kenya Implements New Visa Policies for Foreign Entrants

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On 1 January 2021, Kenya implemented new visa policies for foreign entrants, with the aim of improving the country’s security and increasing tourism. The new policies include changes to visa fees, the introduction of electronic visas, and new visa categories.

New Visa Fees

The largest change in Kenya’s new visa policies is the increase in visa fees for foreign entrants. Previously, tourists and business visitors could obtain a single-entry visa for $50 USD upon arrival in Kenya. Under the new policies, the fee for a single-entry visa has increased to $51 USD for online applications and $56 USD for visas obtained upon arrival. The cost of multiple-entry visas has also increased to $100 USD for online applications and $120 USD for visas obtained upon arrival. Transit visa fees remain unchanged at $20 USD.

Electronic Visas

Kenya has also introduced a new electronic visa (eVisa) system. Visitors can now apply for their visas online through the Kenya eVisa portal, rather than having to apply in person at a Kenyan embassy or high commission. The eVisa system is expected to streamline the visa application process and reduce waiting times for visitors upon arrival. It will also allow the Kenyan government to better track foreign visitors and improve security measures.

New Visa Categories

In addition to the changes to visa fees and the introduction of eVisas, Kenya has also introduced new visa categories. These include a long-term visa for investors, a volunteering visa for those undertaking unpaid work in Kenya, and a foreign national visa for foreign nationals in Kenya who wish to visit other African countries. The foreign national visa will be valid for up to six months and will allow holders to exit and re-enter Kenya as many times as they like.

Impact on Tourism

The new visa policies are expected to have a positive impact on Kenya’s tourism industry. By increasing security measures, foreign visitors may feel safer travelling to Kenya. The introduction of the eVisa system is also likely to encourage more visitors to apply for visas and visit the country. However, the increase in visa fees could deter some visitors, particularly budget travellers. It remains to be seen how the new policies will impact Kenya’s tourism industry in the long term.


Kenya’s new visa policies aim to improve security and increase tourism in the country. While the increase in visa fees may deter some visitors, the introduction of the eVisa system and new visa categories are likely to encourage more visitors to apply for visas and visit Kenya. The impact of these policies on the tourism industry remains to be seen.