
英国办签证费用是多少 英国签证费用是多少?  第1张

The United Kingdom is one of the most visited countries in the world. Whether you plan to travel for leisure or work, a visa is required for individuals who do not hold a British passport or a European Union (EU) passport. In this article, we will focus on the cost of obtaining a UK visa.

Types of UK Visas

There are various types of UK visas available. Each visa category has a different cost. Here are some of the most common visa types:

Standard Visitor Visa - £93

Short-Term Study Visa - £97

Tier 4 Student Visa - £348

Skilled Worker Visa - £610

Spouse Visa - £1,523

Note that these fees are subject to change. Make sure to check the current fee on the official UK Government website before applying.

Additional Fees

In addition to the visa fees, there may be additional fees that you need to pay. Some of the common additional fees include:

Immigration Health Surcharge - If you are staying in the UK for more than six months, you will need to pay an additional healthcare surcharge. The amount you need to pay will depend on the length of your stay and is usually £470 per year.

Premium Service Centre - If you need your visa application to be processed urgently, you can use the premium service centre. This service costs £220 per applicant in addition to the visa fee.

Priority Service - If you want your visa application to be processed faster than the standard processing time, you can use the priority service. This service costs £212 per applicant in addition to the visa fee.

Translations - If your documents are not in English or Welsh, you may need to translate them. The cost of translation varies depending on the service provider.


Obtaining a UK visa can be a costly process. It is important to factor in all the costs associated with the visa application process. Make sure to check the current fees and additional fees before applying. Additionally, it is recommended to apply well in advance to avoid any additional costs associated with expedited processing services.